

Best Proven techniques to improve your mental health

This is the ultimate guide on How to improve your mental health. If you are looking for; Effective methods to keep your mind healthy Expert suggestion to avoid some bad habits and Proven techniques or mythology to improve your overall mental health Then you are at the right place!

Mental health and also physical health are essential components of our existence. Our mental health includes our mood, emotions, attitudes, and sentiments. However, excellent mental health does not always imply the absence of destructive emotions or moods. Being able to notice and accept our moods, feelings, and emotions and how we regulate them is a sign of good mental health. To comprehend how our mental condition influences our behavior.

Psychologists and psychiatrists have offered therapeutic procedures for drugs to improve our mental health.

Some of the most effective techniques to improve our mental health have already been highlighted.


People with severe mental health and pathological issues are prescribed medicines to improve their mental health status. Selective Serotonin Reuptake inhibitors (SSRI), Serotonin Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRI), Antidepressants, etc., are some of the medicines prescribed by psychiatrists. But our mental health is delicate. And no amount of medications and bodily chemicals will not change one’s mental health if their surroundings do not change. 

Social Support

One of the most effective ways to boost our mental health is to spend time with friends and family. Social support does not have to be limited to blood relatives; it can also include a romantic partner, coworkers, classmates, acquaintances, neighbours, or anybody else with whom we feel close. When we feel down, relying on others might help us see things from a different viewpoint. Support does not always imply sharing; sometimes, all we need is someone to listen to us’ rant’ about our day.

Sharing and expressing your burden with others

Sharing and social support are not always synonymous. Sharing is not always a part of social support. We can seek help and assistance without disclosing our problems. Sharing, on the other hand, makes it a lot easier. We may feel compelled to solve our difficulties on our own at times. However, allowing individuals in creates a significant effect. It enables us to see the matter from a different perspective when we begin to share our problems and express our emotions.


Exercising allows us to release toxins, which is beneficial to our physical and mental health. We tend to overthink and overanalyze our problems and situations. And this might help us clear our heads. Exercising can also help us avoid being overly immersed in our trials.


Meditation, like exercise, improves our focus and attention. Meditation has been proved to be one of the most effective methods for dealing with psychological disorders such as stress, anxiety, and depression. Meditation encourages us to be mindful of our surroundings. Being mindful is being aware of the present moment, and it forces us to concentrate on the present rather than the past or the future.

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Social Media

Excessive usage of social media might hurt our mental health. The lack of information filtering on social media is concerning. There is no censor board to filter out the falsehoods and misconceptions circulating on social media. We need to limit how much time we spend on social media, allowing adequate time for our brains to receive and process information actively. 

Read Also: What Is digital detox and how can it help us to improve our Mental health?


A good night’s sleep can solve half of our issues. Pulling all-nighters to study, accomplish work, or finish a movie or series might hurt our day. We don’t value our sleep enough these days, and staying awake at night has become the new normal. However, it has a direct impact on our physical and emotional wellbeing. So, to boost our mental health, we must ensure that we obtain adequate sleep at night.

Read Also: A Relational Experience of how Music Impacts Mind

Go for a walk

Going for a walk in the evenings or early in the mornings can help us feel rejuvenated all day. It also allows us to make plans for the rest of the day or reflect on how the day went. Staying inside all day is not suitable for our thoughts or bodies. Going out now and again makes us feel more connected to the world and re-energized.

Individual Therapy

Therapy is the most effective of all the treatments for improving mental health. Individual therapy is a one-on-one relationship between the client and the therapist. 

There are various methods of therapy out there;

CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Treatment), REBT (Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy), Psychoanalysis, SFBT (Solution Focused Brief Therapy), Expressive Arts Therapy, and so on.

*Check out our previous article about different types of therapy*

Group Therapy

We can also choose group therapy instead of individual counselling. In group therapy, a group of similar people join together and attend therapy with the guidance of a group leader. Depending on the type of group therapy, the group leader will have specific credentials and qualifications. Different sorts of groups in group therapy include support groups, guidance groups, self-help groups, etc. One well-known instance of group therapy is Alcoholics Anonymous.

There are a variety of approaches to improving your mental health. We’ve just added a couple of the effective methods that we believe are more accessible to everyone. We hope it will help you better understand and care for your mental health. 

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