

6th Anniversary, 6 Days & 6 Different Offers ๐Ÿ˜ƒ    Big Offers โ†’ 6th Anniversary, 6 Days & 6 Different Offers ๐Ÿ˜ƒ    Big Savingsโ†’ 6th Anniversary, 6 Days & 6 Different Offers ๐Ÿ˜ƒ    Grab Offers โ†’ Biggest Saving Ever ๐Ÿ˜ƒ    Enroll Now โ†’ 6th Anniversary, 6 Days & 6 Different Offers ๐Ÿ˜ƒ   

Online Supervision & training based Internship programs

Elevate your skills with our online supervision & training-based internship programs. Access comprehensive remote learning opportunities, globally recognized and expert-led. Dive into interactive sessions, enhance problem-solving abilities, and receive personalized support throughout. Prepare for the future of work with hands-on experience and additional case studies, all from the comfort of your own space.


Training Mode

Training & Supervision

Based Program


Best In Class Programs


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Countries Reach


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6th Anniversary, 6 Days & 6 Different Offers ๐Ÿ˜ƒ    Big Offers โ†’ 6th Anniversary, 6 Days & 6 Different Offers ๐Ÿ˜ƒ    Big Savingsโ†’ 6th Anniversary, 6 Days & 6 Different Offers ๐Ÿ˜ƒ    Grab Offers โ†’ Biggest Saving Ever ๐Ÿ˜ƒ    Enroll Now โ†’ 6th Anniversary, 6 Days & 6 Different Offers ๐Ÿ˜ƒ   

Supervision & Training Based Program

Clinical Psychology

woman-talking-another-woman-room-with-potted-plants (1)
Supervision & Training Based Program

Counseling Psychology

portrait of a young female teacher lifting up her student during playtime, created with generative ai
Supervision & Training Based Program

Child Psychology

Supervision & Training Based Program

Clinical & Counseling Psychology

Training Based Internship Program

Forensic Psychology

Supervision & Training Based Program

Organizational Psychology

6th Anniversary, 6 Days & 6 Different Offers ๐Ÿ˜ƒ    Big Offers โ†’ 6th Anniversary, 6 Days & 6 Different Offers ๐Ÿ˜ƒ    Big Savingsโ†’ 6th Anniversary, 6 Days & 6 Different Offers ๐Ÿ˜ƒ    Grab Offers โ†’ Biggest Saving Ever ๐Ÿ˜ƒ    Enroll Now โ†’ 6th Anniversary, 6 Days & 6 Different Offers ๐Ÿ˜ƒ   

Illustration of a double exposure of a tree with orange and red leaves with some leaves flying and on its side the silhouette of a woman with part of the landscape inside the silhouette - Generative AI
Training Based Program

Basics of Psychology

Globally Recognized Training Programs

Experience top-notch training led by industry experts through engaging discussions, presentations, case studies, projects, assignments, and live sessions.

Top University Students Trust Us

Our Achievements

What our learners have achieved

A brief overview of the accomplishments attained by alumni of our courses.


Career transitions


Global Achievers


Community Impact


Professional Development

Global Student Influx

Showing the data of the countries we have gotten students from

What Our Students Have To Say

Happy reviewer is super excited being part of happy addons family

Ritesh Sharma

Happy Officer

Happy reviewer is super excited being part of happy addons family

Ritesh Sharma

Happy Officer

Happy reviewer is super excited being part of happy addons family

Ritesh Sharma

Happy Officer

#1 India's best Institute

Why Choose Cognizavest

Overview of Program

Clinical psychology internships are crucial components of training for aspiring clinical psychologists. These internships provide hands-on experience and allow interns to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world settings. Here are key highlights of a clinical psychology internship.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Optio, neque qui velit. Magni dolorum quidem ipsam eligendi, totam, facilis laudantium cum accusamus ullam voluptatibus commodi numquam, error, est. Ea, consequatur.

Quick Overview about Programs

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