

Research Paper and It’s Benefits

Writing a research paper is the most common way for scientists working in the same or related domains to share their knowledge. No one will believe the arguments you make in your research are correct if they are based on Wikipedia’s information. So taking your time and picking trustworthy sources guarantees that your statements will convince the readers.  It’s crucial to strengthen your writing skills in order to demonstrate your capacity to comprehend, relate to what you’ve learned, and obtain critical peer critique. Your articles become a permanent part of the ever-increasing regime of information as they get a valuable place in your resume, showcasing your accomplishments and communication skills.

Doing research helps you in identifying in depth about some topic or phenomenon. Research can be conducted on any topic, be it on food, psychology or something as small as why does our hair fall. The primary instrument for making a research good is dedication and honesty. 

Collecting sample can be the most exciting as well as tiring part for your research. But it is the most crucial one because it ensures the credibility as well as the applicability of findings.  After you are done with forming the hypothesis, collecting sample and your findings, your research paper is said to be complete. Now the most important part is to get it published at the right source! Showcasing your hardwork is important and valuable to the society as it can be beneficial for them.

What are some credible sources to publish your research?

  • JSTOR. JSTOR is an online library of all kinds of sources, such as books, articles, and journals. Even though access is limited, it can be a great help for students. It is also considered one of the most reliable databases since the sources are selected very carefully before being placed there.
  • Microsoft Academic. You can use this web search engine for free. Not only it helps you find the necessary literature, but it tracks the most recent academic publications and research in the field of your interest! Moreover, it was relaunched in 2016, featuring a more user-friendly interface.
  • SAGE Publishing. This independent publisher gives you open access to academic journals and much more in case of your subscription! Every year they drop thousands of high-quality content in the form of books and journals, so it’s a pretty reputable source.
  • Taylor and Francis Online. It is quite well-known by many researchers and has a good reputation. They publish peer-reviewed journal articles. This online tool gives you access to all the journals published by this company. Free admission is limited, so you should double-check the terms first.
  • ScienceDirect. ScienceDirect is a massive database of scientific and medical literature, which you can access via subscription. All 18 million pieces published there are known to be credible. Therefore, this tool can be more than efficient and reliable for your research.


Organization is Key

Follow these substantial steps to be organized in writing a research paper:

  • Select your topic carefully
  • Make sure to select trustworthy sources and useful sources.
  • You should utilise index cards to write down any helpful notes you might require while writing.
  • Your notes should be organized based on the topic it is under
  • Have an outline that is well thought of
  • Create an outline for your research paper by writing a first draught.
  • Examine your original draught, read it carefully, and then rewrite it as necessary.

Do the proper research

The library is simply the ideal spot to search around if you’re trying to uncover useful and trustworthy sources of knowledge. Your chosen topic is covered in a wide range of books, articles, journals, and other publications. Select a quiet area at your neighbourhood library where you may concentrate on your work without being disturbed. To simplify your search, try using the available computers and card catalogue.

Choose your research topic carefully

Take advantage of the opportunity and select a topic that interests you or that piques your curiosity if you are given the choice to choose the subject of your research paper. This encourages you to conduct the required research for it. When choosing a topic, be particular because most authors make the error of picking one that is too broad.

Jot down the proper notes

Be organized when jotting down your notes, just like in our first advice. Make a note of the facts that can only be helpful to you. Try color-coding your notes according to topic, and use highlighters to mark the important information so you can quickly locate that particular topic. If permitted, you may also make a photocopy of a necessary book page or article. If there is too much to write down on paper, this is the best option. You will undoubtedly conserve time. Every time you make a note of something, be sure to include the bibliographical details, including the author, the book’s title, the page numbers referenced, the volume, the publisher’s name, and important dates.

Brainstorm an outline

You can start drafting an overview after conducting in-depth research. Start thinking about how those specific subjects fit in with all the notes and important data you’ve acquired. It’s not necessary for them to be organised in words in order to “brainstorm an outline.” Note which section would be the introduction, middle, and conclusion. Your research article will begin to take shape at this point.

Write a first draft

After creating an outline, you can begin writing the first draft. Take your blueprint, jot down the ideas, and then use them to create sentences and paragraphs. In this section, you should add more information and character to the paper so that readers can genuinely grasp it. If you think you need more information, you can conduct additional research. You can still make modifications as you go along as this is only the first draft.

Proofread and write your final paper

It’s time to compose your final draught once you’ve looked through your first draught numerous times and made any adjustments you feel are required. Verify that all pertinent material is included, that your phrases and paragraphs make sense, and that the content flows naturally and steadily throughout. Verify your work for spelling and grammar mistakes. Another thing you should check is the spelling. The bibliography page is crucial to your research paper, so make sure that all of the sources you used are listed there.

When you’re finished with your final paper, do the final adjustments as needed. Read it as many times as you want and even ask a friend or professor to go through it and give out their opinion.

Are you looking for a place where you can interact with other researches from around the world and showcase your work? Cognizavest is hosting its 2nd international online conference where you can showcase your research work. This would be a platform for all students, mental health professionals, practitioners, and advocates to put forth their perspectives on the various imperfections that make us a whole as a society. 

Last day to submit the abstract is 5th August, 2022!

For more information, please visit

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