Eligibility :
- Anyone from any economics background can join the same
- Any professional from an economics background can join the same
Syllabus of Program :
- Introduction to game theoryÂ
- Strategic game and Nash equilibriumÂ
- Strategic gamesÂ
- Nash equilibriumÂ
- Best response functionÂ
- Strictly and weakly dominated actionÂ
- Cournot model of oligopolyÂ
- Cournot and Bertrand modelÂ
- AuctionsÂ
- Mixed strategy Nash equilibriumÂ
- Mixed strategy Nash equilibrium: concepts and examplesÂ
- Dominated activities and Iterated EliminationÂ
- Extensive game and Nash equilibriumÂ
- Extensive game: introductionÂ
- Subgame perfect Nash equilibrium
- Backward inductionÂ
- Stackelberg Duopoly model
Learning Outcomes:
- Students will be able to understand the basics of game theoryÂ
- Students will be able to understand the popular theories in game theoryÂ
- Students will be able to understand the strategic considerations to be taken into account while making choices
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